Tuesday, January 3, 2012



12/15/11Look up information120 min
12/17/11Start adding pictures to video30 min
12/24/11Add information to video30 min
12/31/11Edit the video45 min
1/1/12Make any final changes5 min
1/4/12Present our videos10 min
I created this chart so I can do everything on time and stay organized.

Design Specifications

  • 10 Facts
  • minimum 2 min
  • images
  • quotes
  • works cited


Scene 1-5: A short timeline of how old-fashioned communication slowly started turning into cell-phones
Scene 6-8: Quick facts about cell-phones with picture backgrounds
Scene 9-10: How cell-phones can benefit/harm us

Design 2:
Scene 1: Title Page
Scene 2: Picture
Scene 3: Fact

Design 3:
Scene 1: Title Page
Scene 2: Different situations in which a cell-phone is necessary
Scene 3: Statistics of how many people have cell-phones
Scene 4: Map of where there is phone signal around the world
Scene 5: Message about digital citizenship