Thursday, November 24, 2011

Design Brief :]

Design Brief:
We are going to show how technology has allowed us to communicate with different people all around the world with social media and technological devices.
What is the general problem your group is trying to solve?
Making a PSA and a poster about digital communication.
What is the design problem you are trying to solve?
We have to think about what we want our poster and PSA to look like at the end, and start thinking about how we will make that happen.
Concept: (What do you want the user to think about?
We want them to realize how technology has bettered our lives.
What message do you want the user to get?)
We want them to understand what we are able to do now that we weren't able to do before.
Sources: cited
Identify and analyze appropriate source of information you will need to solve your problem.
Any Research?
We need to see the differen't social media websites other countries have.
Odalys, Karla, Karla's friend
Materials / Props?
Make up, costumes, cell phone, camera
Sound / Music?
Chinese and American music
Format: (web video (320 x 240) or PAL D1/DV widescreen
Pixel Format: Square pixels or DV Footage
Tools: (Photoshop, illustrator, iMovie, Premier, Final Cut Pro, After Effects)
Length: (15 – 60 seconds)


  1. What issue/ topic did you choose?
  1. Why is this important?
  1. Who do you want to reach? (target audience)
  1. What is the behavior your looking to change?
  1. Why doesn’t the audience already engage in this behavior?
  1. What emotional appeal can you make?
  1. Belonging; Power/Control; Fun: Safety;
  1. Put your audience in a situation/scenario where the issue would come up in their lives.
  1. Where are they? (setting)
  1. Who is there? (characters)
  1. What’s’ going on around them?  ( ambient sound)
  1. What are they saying? (dialogue)
  1. Who is message brought to you by? ( Station; organization)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Notes :]

1. Digital Communication is the digital exchange of information.
2. Who uses Digital Communication? Almost everyone does
3. Southpark cartoon discusses how facebook can impact your life.
4. How do we use digital communication? We use it in text messaging, IM, e-mail, etc.
5. What is the potential for misuse? Students cheat through text messages, search inappropriate info, and use digital object inappropriately in school.
6. Where is the danger for misuse that impacts you daily? You always run the risk of a car crash because of people that text while driving.
7. What is the expected time you believe is appropriat to change your FB status? You can change your relationship status when you tell the other person.
8. What is your opinion about FB manners? My opinion is that it's a creative way to inform us of the rules we have to follow while using facebook, and the things that could happen if we don't.
9. What are the benefits of Digital Communication? The benefits are you can communicate with anyone, anytime, anywhere, you have access to information, and
10. What is your opinion? Is this proper use of digital communication? No, that is very rude and disrespectful. They have become so addicted to facebook that they would interrupt a religious ceremony to update a status.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

1. What issue/topic did you choose?
Digital Communication
2.Why is this important?
It is important because everything we access on the internet leaves our digital footprint online forever. Once we send a text message, e-mail message, e-mail account, it is out in the digital world forever.
3. Who do you want to reach? (target audience)
We are trying to reach students to be careful with what they publish online. If it's something that could emberass you now, it will emberass you even more in the future.
4. What is the behavior your looking to change?
We are trying to 
5. Why doesn't the audience already engage in this behavior?

6. What emotional appeal can you make?

7. Belonging; Power/Control; Fun:Safety;

8. Put your audience in a situation/scenario/where the issue would come up in their lives

9. Where are they? (setting)

10. Who is there? (characters)

11. What's going on around them? (ambient sound)

12. What are they saying? (dialogue)

13. Who is message brought to you by? (Station;organization)

Monday, November 7, 2011

How can my digital footprint affect my future?

  • 2.5 billion text messages are sent per day in the us
  • more than 100 million yahoo accounts were active in August 2011 
  • 355 million hotmail accounts were active in 2011
  • China doesn't use facebook
  • 175 million people log onto facebook everyday
  • 5.3 billion mobile subscribers  
  • between 500 million to 1 bln people will have access to the internet by 2015. 
  • text messages sent by U.S. citizens is around 110 billion
  • Facebook is translated in over 100 languages
  • (
  • ( 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Digital Access:]

1) What are the options for better Access?
     Some options for better access are to receive taxes from the government in order to provide a more inexpensive internet to the community or to provide digital access for rural areas. Electrical and telephone access for more places are helping people get better access.

2) Explain the Final Recommendations?

    Government should be more helpful to the people who want to build new networks. Public needs to know more about the internet. The government should take the fact that some people don't have internet more seriously. They should realize the importance of internet access around the country, and do something about it.

3) What could be done to increase internet access and create more choices for communities nationwide?

     Communities could get together and tell the government that they would like to have internet access in their communities. We can't always be blaming the government. Yes, they are the ones that have the final decision, but we are the ones that can lead them to that decision. The US could also adopt the matching grant program.

4) What actions need to be taken to keep the internet open for users and innovators?

     The government as well as the communities should have the right to internet access at a low price and at high speed, and should have access to the internet, period. It is important that the government keeps in mind that internet access is important  for everybody to have. It is not luxury but a necessity.